Königs Wusterhausen
In 2004 the IWSM conference was held on November 3-4 in Königs Wusterhausen (near Berlin). This conference was organized by the DASMA at the Tagungshotel Königs Wusterhausen.
The IWSM conference was held in conjunction with the MetriKon conference, the annual German metrics conference of the DASMA.
On this conference 30 papers were presented. These papers are published in the Magdeburger Schriften zum Empirischen Software Engineering
- Pekka Forselius
Move from function point counting to better project management and control - Eberhard Rudolph
Measuring the size of application software overhead - M.Lother, R.Braungarten, M.Kunz, R.Dumke
The Functional Size eMeasurement Portal (FseMP) – A Web-based Approach for Effort Estimation, Benchmarking and eLearning - Luca Santillo
Software complexity evaluation based on functional size components - Josè A.Cruz-Lemos, Marcelo Genero, Mario Piattini
Validation Metrics for UML Statechart – Diagramms Through a Family of Experiments - Edgardo Palza, Alain Abran, Christofer Fuhrmann
V&V Measurements Management Issues in Safety-Critical Software - George Wilkie, M.P. Ware, B.A. Kitchenham, T.J.Harmer
Evaluating the Sensitivity of Coupling Metrics to Evolving Software Systems - Alain Abran, Adel Khelifi
A System of Reference for Software Measurement with ISO 19761 (COSMIC FFP) - F.W. Vogelezang
Implementing COSMIC FFP as a replacement for FPA - J. Cuadrado-Gallego, J. Dolado, D. Rodrìguez, M. Sicilia
The Second Level Input Variables for Software Cost Estimation Models - Lutz Winkler, Frank Schmeißner
ERP – Standard – SW – Anbieter im magischen Dreieck von Arbeitsweise, Kosteneffizienz und Produktqualität - A. Schmietendorf, D. Reitz, J. Lezius, E. Dimitrov, T. Walter
Identifikation und Aufwandsschätzung neuer Anforderungen im Rahmen etablierter Integrationsarchitekturen - Tom Koppenberg
Estimating maintenance projects using COSMIC FFP - De Tran-Cao, Ghislain Lévesque, Jean-Guy Meunier
A Field Study of Software Functional Complexity Measurement - Alain Abran, Blanca Gil
Estimation Models based on Functional Profiles - Johannes Drexler, Francesca Saglietti
Eine einheitliche Kohäsionsmetrik für Methoden, Klassen und Komponenten - Ute Richter, Frank Simon
Mit Code – Metriken Wartungskosten senken: Controlling technischer Qualität - Alain A. April, Alain Abran, Reiner Dumke
Software Maintenance Productivity measurement: how to Assess the readiness of your organisation - R. Dumke, M. Lother, U. Schäfer, C. Wille
Web Tomographie – Towards an e-Measurement and Controlling - Alain Abran, Luigi Buglione, Asma Sellami
Software Measurement Body of Knowledge – Initial Validation using Vincenti`s Classification of Engeneering Knowledge - Christof Ebert
Portfolio – Management for Software Projects - Thomas Fehlmann
Metrics for Cooperative Developement Processes - J.-M. Desharnais, A. Abran, J. Vilz, F. Gruselin, N. Habra
Verification and validation of a knowledge-based systems - P. Borque, S.Wolf, R. Dupuis, A. Sellami, A. Abran
Evaluation of Agent Acedemy: Measurement Intentions - P. Borque, S. Wolff, R. Dupuis, A. Sellami, A. Abran
Lack of Consensus on Measurement in Software Engineering: Investigation on Related Issues - Marek Leszak
The Versatility of Software Defect Prediction Models (or: why it`s so hard to replicate related Case Studies) - Hans-Georg Hopf
Software Reliability – Grundlagen und Berechnung - Hamdan Msheik, Alain Abran, Hamid Mcheick
Measuring Components Unused Members - Andreas Schmietendorf, Reiner Dumke
A Measurement Service for Monitoring the Quality Behaviour of Web Services offered within the Internet - Alain Abran, Miguel Lopez, Naji Habra
An Analyses of the McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity Number - Bela Mutschler, Manfred Reichert
Usability Metriken als Nachweis der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Verbesserungen der Mensch – Maschine Schnittstelle - Jörg Robra
Kreative Software – Messung – Kleiner Leitfaden statistischer Tricks - Rüdiger Liskowsky
Bewertung der Gebrauchstauglichkeit mit Metriken - Arlan Lesterhuis, Frank Vogelezang
Guideline for the application of COSMIC-FFP for sizing Business applications Software - Alain Abran, Olga Ormandjieva, Manar Abu Talib
Information Theory-based Functional Complexity Measures: Functional Size with COSMIC – FFP - Juan Carlos Granja – Alvarez
Function Point Analysis Based on Requirement Specification, a Case Study - Jürgen Bach, Björn Petersen
Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Einführung von Kennzahlen – systemen in die IT – Projekt- und Unternehmenssteuerung - Olga Jaufmann
Reusage Knowledge on Process Flexibility for Developing Measurement Programs - Melanie Ruhe
How do we measure process improvement? - Ton Dekkers
IT Governance requires quantitative (project) management - Maya Daneva
Patterns of Success of Failure in ERP Requirements Engineering: an Empirical Study - D. Natale, L. Santillo, I. Della Noce, S. Lombardi, G. Moretto
Proposal for project collection and classification from the analysis of the ISBSG Benchmark - Roland Neumann, Stamatia Bibi
Building Fault Prediction Models from Abstract Cognitive Complexity Metrics – Analysing and Interpreting Fault Related Influences - Pam Moris
Metrics based Project Governance
Program Committee
Alain Abran, ÉTS Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, Canada
Günter Büren, Büren & Partner, Nuremberg, Germany
Luigi Buglione, ÉTS Ecole de Technologie Supérieure Montreal, Canada
Manfred Bundschuh, AXA Cologne, Germany
François Coallier, ÉTS Ecole de Technologie Supérieure Montreal, Canada
Jean-Marc Desharnais, ÉTS Ecole de Technologie Supérieure Montreal, Canada
Xavier Dolado, Universidad San Sebastian, Spain
Reiner Dumke, University of Magdeburg, Germany
Christof Ebert, Alcatel, Paris, France
Bernd Gebhard, BMW Bavarian Motor Company, Munich, Germany
Hans-Georg Hopf, GSO-Fachhochschule, Nuremberg, Germany
Claus Lewerentz, TU Cottbus, Germany
Marek Leszak, Lucent Technologies, Nuremberg, Germany
Roberto Meli, DPO, Italy
Dirk Meyerhoff, SQS Software Quality Systems, Cologne, Germany
Andreas Schmietendorf, T-Systems Berlin, Germany
Harry Sneed, SES Munich/Budapest, Germany/Hungary
Charles Symons, Software Measurement Service Ltd, Edenbridge, UK
Hannu Toivonen, Nokia, Finland
Helmut Wolfseher, Industrie Hansa, Munich, Germany
Horst Zuse, TU Technical University Berlin, Germany
Original website: iwsm2004.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Shortlink to this page: 2007.iwsm-mensura.org